
Smartdatacenter on ESXi

This article will focus on the specifics of an installation of Smartdatacenter on an ESXi Free hypervisor, version 5.1U2, for testing purposes, and is intended as a complement to the extensive documentation available on Joyent’s website.

Smartdatacenter (SDC)  is a IaaS platform developed by Joyent. They use to run their public cloud and they offer it as a commercial product to organizations who want to run a private cloud. They opensourced it in 2014.

SDC is based on SmartOS (their own Illumos-derived OS) and leverages the technical strengths of the platform: Zones (think virtualization with bare-metal performance), ZFS, crossbow (network virtualization), Dtrace, KVM (ported from Linux). On the software side: Web Gui and CLI tools, node.js, json, microservices, REST API, h-a Postgres.. On the functional side: ease of install / operate, real time introspection, SmartOS Zones, Linux Zones (through ABI translation), KVM VMs… And now Docker support, presenting the datacenter as an elastic Docker host, with Docker containers running inside Zones.

To go further on the subject you may read ICCLAB’s Introduction to SmartDataCenter and of course the official documentation.

If you want to test SDC, you may do so on your laptop using VMware Fusion and Cloud on a Laptop. If your laptop isn’t beefy enough (16 GB RAM and SSD recommended), and you have access to an ESXi hypervisor, you can go the “Cloud on a Hypervisor” (CoaH) route instead.. Performance won’t be representative of what you get when installing SDC on bare metal, but you’ll have an good idea of the ease of installation/operation and a glimpse of the power of the solution. SDC is really a turnkey solution, and the only difficulty in this context is related to the VMware platform.


When setting up smartdatacenter, you will use at least two networks: one private and one public. Smartdatacenter then manage these networks, and where it runs a DHCP server. They have to be segregated from each other, and probably from your LAN. You may use tagged VLAN and an external router, or you may include a router on your ESXi then access the smartdatacenter networks through it. If you choose to use a virtualized router, a good choice is VyOS, a fork of Vyatta Core (which was discontinued when Vyatta was bought by Brocade). Of course you can also use a vanilla Debian.. In this case you will need a Vswitch with no connection to the hypervisor NICs, with two portgroups: one for each Smartdatacenter network. Promiscuous Mode, MAC Address Changes and Forged Transmits need to be enabled, otherwise your CoaH won’t run properly.. The router VM will have three NICs, one for each SDC network, and the last one will be attached on your LAN. You’ll need to allow packets in and out of each network, and add some source nat if you want to access SDC Private network.

USB key

You will need an USB key, as the head node and the compute nodes will boot on it. Directions are given in the documentation, only difference being that you’ll run in on a VM. You’ll have to attach a virtual disk to some VM and write the content of the .img file into it. For instance you can create a VM which boots on a SystemRescueCd iso with two drives attached: the first one will be formatted and will host the .img file, the second one (at least 8 GB) will be written over using dd (ie: dd if=/mnt/sda1/usb-release-*.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1MB). Then keep aside the vmdk file, you will copy it in the head-nodeVM, and in each compute node VM.

Head-node VM

When creating your VM, please specify Solaris 10 (64 bits). (SDC uses SmartOS on every server, it is based on Illumos kernel, which is a fork of OpenSolaris.) If you intend to do some KVM virtualization, and have an Intel processor (on SmartOS KVM doesn’t work on AMD CPUs), you have to use at least virtual hardware version 9 and add the following line to the vmx file:


Settings this using GUI requires the web client, only available if you have VCenter. I didn’t find how to attach the USB disk VMDK as an IDE port, and had to edit the vmx file.. Please insert these lines, eventually replacing the previous configuration:

ide0:0.present = "TRUE"
ide0:0.clientDevice = "TRUE"
ide0:0.fileName = "thenameofyourUSBkey.vmdk"
bios.bootOrder = "HDD"
bios.hddOrder = "ide0:0"

You have to attach a hard drive with a “LSI Logic parallel” controller, at least 60 GB Add two E1000 Ethernet adapters, one attached on each SDC portgroup. (unfortunately paravirtualized NICs aren’t supported) Please refer to the official documentation regarding minimal requirements, you can go way below (provision at least a disk which is 2 times your RAM)

Serial PortS

By default, the console is redirected to the second serial port, as Joyent use and recommend BIOS serial-over-lan functionality. The two main pros vs VGA console: you can copy/paste, and the console history is much more manageable.

Vmware offers serial-over-network, however this feature is restricted Enterprise licensed hypervisor.

So if you only have a Free or Standard edition you’ll have to use VGA console as specified by the CoaL setup documentation.

Otherwise (lucky you) two serial ports are to be created on each SDC VM, the second one configured  as a network serial port. You may assign any arbitrary port provided it is not used by ESXi.


You’ll also need to configure the ESXi firewall, as by default the connection is forbidden. It is done in Security Profile / Firewall Properties :  check “VM serial port connected over the network”.

You can then connect to this serial port using RFC 2217-compliant software, via the arbitrary port you specified and the address of the ESXi hypervisor. On windows you can use HW VSP3 – Virtual Serial Port with is free under specific conditions. Hub4com from com0com may work too. HW VSP3 creates a virtual serial port on windows, that you can use with your preferred terminal emulator (putty works well). Serial parameters: 115200,8,N,1 no flow control. On HW VSP3 settings you should disable NVT, as it seems to interfere. Warning: console password will be transmitted in clear text over the network.

And now….

Just process according to the documentation.. Smooth and easy.. When your head-node is installed, you can connect to the web GUI using https on the first public provisionnable IP. You’ll want to provision some virtual machines. You need to add some compute nodes, or you can make the head-node provisionnable. In order to add a compute node, create a VM similar to the head-node. The VM will boot using PXE and be discovered by the head node. Unfortunately PXE booting is very slow because of e1000 emulation. Just attach it to the SDC using the web GUI.